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As accurate as it can be. We are trying to predict the bumpiness of a jet flying at 600 MPH at 35,000 feet 6-36 hours in the future. We pay for the most accurate global turbulence forecasts and we get AI to help predict flight paths for us so it’s as close as possible.

It’s simple – if you are unhappy with your forecast for any reason we’ll refund your money with no questions asked. We built this to help people, not make money.

Welcome!! Pretty cool right? Most of our customers have a mild to severe fear of flying but some of our customers also just prefer to know how bumpy it’s going to be. Regardless of why you are here we are happy to have you!

Pilots use a variety of techniques, such as weather radar and communication with other pilots, to try to avoid turbulence when possible, but it is not always possible to completely avoid it.

We have resources to help you that are part of the PDF we send with your forecast

Common types of turbulence include clear air turbulence, mountain wave turbulence, and convective turbulence, each with their own unique characteristics and causes.

Yes we have the technology. We use thousands of data points to put together an accurate forecast of turbulence based on turbulence reports and weather patterns.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent turbulence, but you can take steps such as choosing a seat over the wings, wearing comfortable clothing, and staying hydrated to help make your flight more comfortable. Don’t forget that the only thing you can control is yourself.

Two ways: We will redirect you to a page after payment that has the forecast and we will email you a PDF forecast so you can download it on your phone – we respond in <24 hours